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Arts Medicine Websites

  • BAPAM - provides a free GP assessment to musicians and performing artists with health problems. BAPAM also has a helpline and will be able to advise you on health issues, financial help, and holds a Directory of Practitioners to direct you to the right practitioner in the UK.

  • Music and Health - is a site created by Richard Beauchamp, Head of keyboard at St Mary's Music School in Edinburgh. Richard has a very good knowledge of the anatomy and biomechanics of the hand, which he applies to his piano teaching. His site is full of information on help for musicians, Arts Medicine organisations, articles and advice on piano playing technique relating to anatomy and biomechanics.

  • Centre for Performance Science - is a research centre developed in collaboration with the Royal College of Music, London. The Centre for Performance Science promotes collaborative research among musicians and scientists. Ongoing research projects include music psychology and physiology, musicians' health and wellbeing, musical development, skill acquisition and expertise.

  • ASPAH (Australia) - Australian Society for Performing Arts Healthcare. The mission of ASPAH is to promote holisitic healthcare for performing artists in Australia.

  • PAMA (USA) - Performing Arts Medicine Association. This site has a very extensive list of useful links on Health and Arts Medicine. PAMA is associated to the best quarterly scientific journal in the field of Performing Arts Medicine. The journal is called "Medical Problems of Performing Artists". PAMA runs an Arts Medicine conference every year in Aspen or Smowmass, Colorado.

  • Athletes and the Arts - This new website, designed for performing artists, was announced at the annual conference Medical Problems of Performing Artists held in Snowmass, Colorado in July 2010. The website is the result of a collaboration between the Performing Arts Medicine Association (PAMA) and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). It aims to identify key medical and wellness issues unique to musicians and performing artists, and deliver educational material.

  • Médecine des Arts (France) - French Arts Medicine Association. The association also has a quarterly successful journal, and runs an extensive two-year Diploma Course in Arts Medicine, which has helped to create a stong network of Arts Medicine practitioners in France. The French also run an Arts Medicine conference every year in Montpellier.

UK Organisations

  • MU - The Musicians Union offers a wide variety of services and assistance to its members. The MU may be able to assist you towards health treatment costs. Contact the regional organiser of the MU in Scotland.

  • Help Musicians UK - Help Musicians UK (formerly Musicians Benevolent Fund) provides funding through a range of awards schemes to help musicians when illness, accident, or old age brings stress and financial burdens. The Fund started a new scheme to help full-time RCS students in Glasgow with their health-related treatments costs.

  • Scottish Music Centre - The Scottish Music Centre is a one-stop shop for information on all aspects of the Music Industry in Scotland, including entries on Music and Health. The SMC promotes Scotland's music locally, nationally, and internationally.

Dystonia Websites

  • Dystonia Society (UK) - The Society is dedicated to providing information and support to everyone affected by dystonia in the UK, and to raising awareness of the condition and the needs of everyone affected. The Society is also committed to ensuring that everyone with dystonia has access to the treatments they need.

General Health

  • Patient UK - You will find up-to-date health information leaflets provided by GPs to patients on a wide range of medical conditions, including musculoskeletal conditions.

  • Counselling Directory - This Directory is a leading support network in the UK for those needing to find a counsellor or psychotherapist regarding emotional, psychological or psychosocial issues. The site has information on the types of distress, the therapies available, and the Directory can be searched in order to find counsellors and psychotherapists near you.
  • Acupuncture - The Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (AACP) is affiliated to the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP). Its principal aim is the integration of Acupuncture into Physiotherapy Practice for the treatment of pain and systemic illness. AACP maintains a register of acupuncture practitioners, of which Patrice is a member.

  • MACP - The Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists is a group of Chartered Physiotherapists who have undertaken extensive postgraduate training and reached a recognised standard of excellence in neuromusculoskeletal physiotherapy.

  • Back Care - Back Care is a registered charity that aims to reduce the burden of back pain by providing information and support, promoting good practice and funding research. You will find information sheets and downloads by clicking on BackCare's Library.

  • Health & Safety Executive - Health and Safety Executive provides information on causes of musculoskeletal disorders and their prevention with reference to the industry you work in. Advice on back pain is also included.

  • NHS inform - NHS inform is a national health information service in Scotland. The website offers information, advice and tips to people with joint or muscle problems.

MSK Health

You will find below a series of websites and links to information leaflets, exercise sheets and videos on various aspects of musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions.

with a range of patient information and videos on MSK conditions:

  • Versus Arthritis: click here.
  • Information booklets (Versus Arthritis): click here.
  • Versus Arthritis for Heathcare Professionals: click here.
  • Dynamic Health NHS advice and leaflets: click here.
  • GIRFT Workstreams - Getting it right first time (NHS): click here.
  • NHS Inform: click here.
  • NHS Forth Valley MSK Physiotherapy: click here.
  • NHS GG&C MSK Physiotherapy: click here.
  • Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) - Rehabilitation: click here.
  • Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) - Conditions: click here.
  • British Elbow & Shoulder Society (BESS): click here.
  • British Society for Surgery of the Hand (BSSH): click here.
  • British Association of Spine Surgeons (BASS): click here.
  • AO Spine: click here.
  • Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy: click here.
  • Prehab Guys YouTube videos: click here.
  • Exercise videos (by Physiotherapist Margot Cohen): click here.

Wesbites, videos and advice on exercise and wellbeing:

  • NHS Fitness Studio: click here.
  • Fitness Blender website: click here.
  • Simple general exercise videos (OA optimism): click here.
  • Keep moving leaflet (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Moving Medicine website: click here.
  • Chief Medical Officer advice: pdf.
  • Benefits of short walks (Posturite): pdf.
  • Exercise guidance and principles: pdf.
  • Increasing activity levels (CCI): pdf.
  • Exercising with arthritis (Versus Arthritis): click here.
  • Exercise leaflets (Versus Arthritis): click here.
  • General exercise poster (Arthritis Research UK): pdf.
  • Keep moving poster (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • "Hotel room" circuit - minimal equipment (NHS GG&C): pdf.
  • NHS Forth Valley return to fitness videos: click here.
  • NHS Forth Valley return to fitness videos: pdf.
  • NHS Forth Valley Active Forth: click here.
  • NHS Forth Valley Active Forth leaflet: pdf.
  • NHS GG&C - Lifestyle self-help advice: click here.
  • Live Active (Glasgow Life) website: click here.
  • Advice on Sleep (Versus Arthritis): click here.
  • Sleep leaflet (NHS GG&C): pdf.
  • Sleep well with pain (Live Well with Pain): pdf.
  • Breathing and Relaxation exercises (NHS Inform): click here.
  • Mindfulness and stress (NHS): click here.
  • Tips on dealing with stress at work (Posturite): pdf.
  • Stop smoking help (NHS GG&C): click here.
  • Weight management (NHS GG&C): click here.
  • Weight management (NHS Forth Valley): click here.
  • Choose to Lose (NHS Forth Valley): click here.
  • Weight Management (Association of UK Dietitians): click here.
  • Managing fatigue (Versus Arthritis): click here.
  • Conserving your energy after Covid-19 (RCOT): pdf.
  • Post Covid information pack (NHS Homerton): pdf.
  • Posture at work advice (Posturite): pdf.
  • Working day tips (Posturite): pdf.
  • Work station tips (Posturite): pdf.
  • Laptop users (Posturite): pdf.
  • Work station exercises (Posturite): pdf.

Neck pain and exercises:

  • Dynamic Health NHS advice and leaflets: click here.
  • Neck pain information (Versus Arthritis): click here.
  • acute neck pain leaflet (NHS Scotland): pdf.
  • Whiplash neck pain (NHS Scotland): pdf.
  • Neck pain booklet (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Neck pain exercises (Arthritis Research UK): pdf.
  • Neck pain exercises (CSP): pdf.
  • Basic neck exercise videos (CSP): click here.
  • Basic neck exercise videos (NHS Inform): click here.
  • Neck exercises (NHS Inform): click here.
  • Neck stretches (CSP): click here.
  • Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy: click here.
  • Nerve root pain information (BASS): click here.
  • Sliders and gliders for nerve pain video (Physiotutors): click here.
  • Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy: click here.

Temporomandibular joint (jaw joint) disorders (TMD):

  • TMD information and advice (ACPTMD): click here.
  • TMD patient questionnaire: pdf.
  • TMD patient information: pdf.
  • TMD jaw relaxation: pdf.
  • TMD jaw control: pdf.
  • TMD masseter massage: pdf.
  • TMD temporalis massage: pdf.

Thoracic spine videos:

  • Thoracic spine mobility exercises video: click here.
  • Thoracic spine extension video: click here.
  • Thoracic rotation strengthening video: click here.
  • Thoracic rotation mobility video: click here.
  • Thoracic rotation in 4-point kneeling video: click here.
  • Thoracic rotation in lunge video: click here.
  • Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) - Exercise videos: click here.
  • Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) - 7 exercises: click here.

Low back pain information, videos, and exercises:

  • Back pain information (BASS): click here.
  • Back pain conditions (BASS): click here.
  • GIRFT Pathways - Spinal Services (NHS): click here.
  • AO Spine: click here.
  • NICE guidelines (2020) for low back pain: pdf.
  • Back pain leaflet (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Osteoarthritis of the spine (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Back pain information (Versus Arthritis): click here.
  • Back pain self-management (NHS Inform): click here.
  • Back pain facts - Video (PAIN-ED): click here.
  • The Back Book - advice on back pain (RCGP): pdf.
  • What to do with back pain (RTE website): click here.
  • Back in control (NHS Inform): pdf.
  • Pain Education website PAIN-ED: click here.
  • Chronic low back pain video (15 minutes - P. O'sullivan): click here.
  • Low back pain and communication - Quiz (O'Sullivan): click here.
  • 10 facts about low back pain (O'Sullivan): pdf.
  • Back pain poster - Advice on management (CSP): pdf.
  • Low back pain poster (Keele University): pdf.
  • 10 things to know about your back (CSP): click here.
  • Low back pain and MRI scans (NHS): pdf.
  • Persistent back pain leaflet (NHS Scotland): pdf.
  • Managing back pain leaflet (NHS): pdf.
  • Back pain Do's and Don't (NHS South Tees): pdf.
  • Acute back pain (BASS): click here.
  • Acute back pain advice (NHS GG&C): pdf.
  • Dynamic Health NHS advice and leaflets: click here.
  • Back pain exercise leaflet (1) (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Back pain exercise leaflet (2) (Arthritis Research UK): pdf.
  • Back pain exercise leaflet (3) (CSP): pdf.
  • Advice and exercises for low back pain (CSP): click here.
  • Back pain and posture (NHS South Tees): pdf.
  • Back care and posture (Posturite): pdf.
  • Low back pain - Nerve root pain (BASS): click here.
  • Low back pain - Nerve root pain (NHS Scotland): pdf.
  • 10 facts about Sciatica (NHS GG&C): pdf.
  • Spinal stenosis information (BASS): click here.
  • Spinal stenosis leaflet (NHS Scotland): pdf.
  • Spinal stenosis leaflet (NHS Tees): pdf.
  • Spinal stenosis leaflet (NHS GG&C): pdf.
  • GIRFT Interactive Pathways - CES: click here.
  • Cauda Equina Syndrome information (BASS): click here.
  • Cauda Equina Syndrome Framework (UKSSB): pdf.
  • Cauda Equina Syndrome leaflet (NHS GG&C): pdf.
  • Cauda Equina Patient Card (English)(UCLAN): pdf.
  • Cauda Equina Patient Cards (multiple languages - NHS): click here.

Shoulder exercises:

  • Shoulder rehabilitation - comprehensive guide: pdf.
  • Shoulder pain information and videos (BESS): click here.
  • Dynamic Health NHS advice and leaflets: click here.
  • Shoulder pain booklet (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Simple shoulder exercises (Arthritis Research UK): pdf.
  • Shoulder pain advice (CSP): click here.
  • Shoulder and elbow osteoarthritis (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Shoulder osteoarthritis advice (NHS Devon): pdf.
  • Shoulder dislocation leaflet (NHS Scotland): pdf.
  • Shoulder dislocation rehabilitation (NHS Oxford): pdf.
  • Shoulder impingement leaflet (NHS Scotland): pdf.
  • Rotator cuff related shoulder pain - Series of Videos (NHS): click here.
  • Rotator cuff related shoulder pain leaflet (NHS Inform): pdf.
  • Rotator cuff related shoulder pain exercises (BESS): pdf.
  • Rotator cuff related shoulder pain - Early (NHS GG&C): pdf.
  • Rotator cuff related shoulder pain - Later (NHS GG&C): pdf.
  • Rotator cuff massive tear - Exercises (NHS Torbay): pdf.
  • Frozen shoulder leaflet (NHS Inform): pdf.
  • Frozen shoulder exercise booklet (Nuffield NHS): pdf.
  • Shoulder exercises for frozen shoulder (NHS GG&C): pdf.

Elbow exercises:

  • Elbow pain information and videos (BESS): click here.
  • Dynamic Health NHS advice and leaflets: click here.
  • Elbow pain information (Versus Arthritis): click here.
  • Elbow pain booklet (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Elbow pain exercises (Arthritis Research UK): pdf.
  • Tennis elbow leaflet (NHS Scotland): pdf.
  • Tennis elbow advice and exercises (CSP): click here.
  • Tennis elbow exercises (CSP): pdf.
  • Tennis elbow exercises (NHS Oxford): pdf.
  • Tennis elbow exercise leaflet (NHS GG&C): pdf.
  • Golfer's elbow leaflet (NHS Scotland): pdf.
  • Golfer's elbow exercises (NHS): pdf.
  • Cubital tunnel syndrome (BSSH): pdf.
  • Ulnar neuritis information (NHS Scotland): pdf.
  • Ulnar neuritis leaflet (NHS Oxford): pdf.

Hand and wrist exercises:

  • Hand disorders and injuries (BSSH): click here.
  • GIRFT Hand pathways - Getting it right first time (NHS): click here.
  • Dynamic Health NHS advice and leaflets: click here.
  • Wrist and hand pain advice (Versus Arthritis): click here.
  • Wrist and hand pain leaflet (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Hand osteoarthritis booklet (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Hand osteoarthritis leaflet (Keele University): pdf.
  • Thumb osteoarthritis (BSSH): pdf.
  • Thumb osteoarthritis leaflet (NHS Scotland): pdf.
  • Thumb osteoarthritis leaflet (NHS GG&C): pdf.
  • Small aids for the hand (NHS Forth Valley): pdf.
  • Hand injuries information (BSSH): click here.
  • Skier's thumb injury (BSSH): pdf.
  • Mallet finger injury (BSSH): pdf.
  • Extendor tendon injury (BSSH): pdf.
  • Flexor tendon injury (BSSH): pdf.
  • Hand disorders information (BSSH): click here.
  • CTS booklet (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • CTS leaflet (BSSH): pdf.
  • CTS leaflet (NHS Scotland): pdf.
  • CTS leaflet (NHS Inform): pdf.
  • CTS exercise leaflet (CSP): pdf.
  • CTS advice and exercises (CSP): click here.
  • CTS leaflet with exercises (Queensland): pdf.
  • Median nerve exercises (NHS South Tees): pdf.
  • Ganglion cysts leaflet (BSSH): pdf.
  • Ganglion cysts leaflet (NHS Scotland): pdf.
  • Dupuytren's disease (BSSH): pdf.
  • Dupuytren's contracture leaflet (NHS Scotland): pdf.
  • De Quervain's syndrome leaflet (BSSH): pdf.
  • De Quervain's tenosynovitis leaflet (NHS Scotland): pdf.
  • De Quervain's tenosynovitis leaflet (NHS Inform): pdf.
  • De Quervain's tenosynovitis exercises (NHS Sussex): pdf.
  • Trigger finger leaflet (BSSH): pdf.
  • Trigger finger leaflet (NHS Scotland): pdf.

Hip exercises:

  • Dynamic Health NHS advice and leaflets: click here.
  • Hip pain advice (Versus Arthritis): click here.
  • Hip pain booklet (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Hip pain exercises (Arthritis Research UK): pdf.
  • Simple general exercise videos (OA optimism): click here.
  • Hip and knee exercise videos (Escape Pain): click here.
  • Hip osteoarthritis leaflet (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Hip osteoarthritis leaflet (NHS Inform): pdf.
  • Lateral hip pain leaflet (NHS Scotland): pdf.
  • Lateral hip pain (GTPS) exercises (NHS Ayrshire): pdf.
  • Lateral hip pain (GTPS) exercises (NHS GG&C): pdf.
  • Lateral hip pain (GTPS) exercises (NHS Croydon): pdf.
  • Lateral hip pain (GTPS) exercises (NHS Guy's): pdf.
  • NHS Forth Valley return to fitness videos: click here.
  • NHS Forth Valley return to fitness videos: pdf.
  • Piriformis Syndrome video (Prehab Guys): click here.
  • Piriformis Syndrome exercises: click here.

Knee exercises:

  • Dynamic Health NHS advice and leaflets: click here.
  • Knee pain information (Versus Arthritis): click here.
  • Simple general exercise videos (OA optimism): click here.
  • Hip and knee exercise videos (Escape Pain): click here.
  • Knee pain advice and videos (CSP): click here.
  • Knee pain booklet (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Knee osteoarthritis leaflet and videos (NHS GG&C): pdf.
  • Knee osteoarthritis booklet (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Knee osteoarthritis leaflet (NHS Inform): pdf.
  • Knee osteoarthritis leaflet (NHS Scotland): pdf.
  • Acute knee pain exercises (NHS GG&C): pdf.
  • Knee pain generic exercises (NHS GG&C): pdf.
  • Knee exercises (CSP): pdf.
  • Knee exercises (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • NHS Forth Valley return to fitness videos: click here.
  • NHS Forth Valley return to fitness videos: pdf.
  • Patello-femoral pain syndrome (Arthritis Research UK): pdf.
  • Patello-femoral pain syndrome exercises (NHS Oxford): pdf.
  • Patellar tendinopathy exercises (NHS Oxford): pdf.
  • Anterior knee pain leaflet (NHS Inform): pdf.
  • Meniscal pathology and exercises (NHS GG&C): pdf.
  • Meniscal problems of the knee (NHS Inform): pdf.
  • Meniscal tears leaflet (NHS Scotland): pdf.
  • Knee ligament sprains leaflet (NHS Scotland): pdf.
  • Knee bursitis leaflet (NHS Scotland): pdf.
  • Anterior cruciate ligament rupture (NHS GG&C): pdf.
  • Anterior cruciate rehabilitation guidelines (NHS GG&C): pdf.
  • Anterior cruciate rehabilitation guidelines (GSSS): pdf.
  • Advanced lower limb rehabilitation videos (NHS GG&C): pdf.
  • Running injuries (Running Physio): click here.

Foot and ankle exercises:

  • Dynamic Health NHS advice and leaflets: click here.
  • NHS GG&C MSK Podiatry service: click here.
  • Foot and ankle pain information (Versus Arthritis): click here.
  • Foot and ankle pain leaflet (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Foot pain (CSP): click here.
  • Foot pain booklet (Arthritis Research UK): pdf.
  • Foot pain advice and exercises videos (CSP): click here.
  • Foot - hallux valgus leaflet (NHS Scotland): pdf.
  • Foot - hallux rigidus leaflet (NHS Scotland): pdf.
  • Foot - metatarsalgia leaflet (NHS Scotland): pdf.
  • Foot pain exercise videos (NHS Inform): click here.
  • Foot pain exercise leaflet (Arthritis Research UK): pdf.
  • Lateral foot (peroneal) exercises (NHS Torbay): pdf.
  • Medial foot (tibialis posterior exercises (NHS Guy's): pdf.
  • Ankle sprain advice and exercises (NHS GG&C): pdf.
  • Ankle sprain leaflet (NHS Scotland): pdf.
  • Ankle sprain exercises (Versus Arthrits): pdf.
  • Ankle impingement leaflet (NHS Scotland): pdf.
  • Foot and ankle osteoarthritis (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Ankle osteoarthritis leaflet (NHS Scotland): pdf.
  • Foot and ankle surgery booklet (Arthritis Research UK): pdf.
  • Achilles tendon tendinopathy leaflet (NHS Scotland): pdf.
  • Achilles tendon tendinopathy exercises (NHS Oxford): pdf.
  • Achilles tendon tendinopathy exercises (NHS Calderdale): pdf.
  • Calf stretches - Soleus muscle (NHS Torbay): pdf.
  • Heel pain leaflet (NHS Scotland): pdf.
  • Plantar fasciitis Information (Versus Arthritis): click here.
  • Plantar fasciitis leaflet (NHS GG&C): pdf.
  • Plantar fasciitis leaflet (NHS Forth Valley): pdf.
  • Plantar fasciitis exercises (Arthritis Research UK): pdf.

Falls Prevention, Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatology:

  • What to do if you fall - leaflet (NHS Inform): pdf.
  • Balance challenge (Scottish Government): pdf.
  • Keep fit and active (NHS GG&C): pdf.
  • Otago strength and balance programme: pdf.
  • Falls prevention advice (NHS GG&C): pdf.
  • Arthritis booklet (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Osteoarthritis (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Musculoskeletal Health 2024 (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • NICE guidelines (2022) for Osteoarthritis: pdf.
  • National Axial Spondyloarthritis Society (NASS): click here.
  • Back to Action 1: Exercise Programme for AS: pdf.
  • Back to Action 2: Free weights and gym ball exercises: pdf.
  • Bath outcome measures for axial spondyloarthritis (SpA): pdf.
  • Management poster of SpA (NASS): pdf.
  • Recognition of SpA poster (NICE): pdf.
  • NICE guidelines (2017) for Spondyloarthritis (SpA): pdf.
  • Signs & Symptoms of Axial SpA (NASS): pdf.
  • Spondyloarthritis booklet (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Psoriatic arthrits booklet (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Reactive arthritis booklet (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Gout booklet (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Paget's disease (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Lupus (SLE) booklet (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Scleroderma booklet (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Sjogren's syndrome booklet (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Raynaud's phenomenon (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Giant cell arteritis (GCA) (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Myositis (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • NICE guidelines (2020) for Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA): pdf.
  • Rheumatoid Arthrits Booklet (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Palendromic rheumatism (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Joint hypermobility booklet (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • All about M.E. booklet (Action for ME): pdf.
  • NICE guidelines (2021) for ME / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: pdf.
  • Fibromyalgia Network: click here.
  • Fibromyalgia booklet (Versus Arthritis): pdf.
  • Fibromyalgia booklet (Arthritis Research UK): pdf.
  • Fibromyalgia Diagnostic Criteria: pdf.

Understanding chronic pain information and videos:

  • Pain Association Scotland: click here.
  • Live Well with Pain website: click here.
  • Live Well with Pain resources: click here.
  • Live Well with Pain downloads: click here.
  • The Pain Cycle (Live Well with Pain): pdf.
  • Pain and the brain (Live Well with Pain): pdf.
  • Explaining Pain (Live Well with Pain): pdf.
  • Understanding pain leaflet (NHS Ayrshire & Arran): pdf.
  • Chronic pain patient leaflet (Canadian PEER guideline): pdf.
  • Health and well being check (Live Well with Pain): pdf.
  • Ten footsteps to managing pain (Live Well with Pain): pdf.
  • Goal setting (Live Well with Pain): pdf.
  • Managing setbacks (Live Well with Pain): pdf.
  • Sleep well with pain (Live Well with Pain): pdf.
  • Understanding persistent pain (Tasmania DoH): pdf.
  • Persistent pain information boklet (NHS GG&C): pdf.
  • Managing chronic pain (Pain Concern): pdf.
  • Management guide on chronic pain (NAPP): pdf.
  • Extensive pain management guidebook (Honest Physio): pdf.
  • Types of pain - leaflet: pdf.
  • Pain control with medication: pdf.
  • Main types of pain relieving medication: pdf.
  • Taking opioids - what to do: pdf.
  • Medecines decision guide (Live Well with Pain): pdf.
  • Opioid side-effects (Live Well with Pain): pdf.
  • Opioid risks (Live Well with Pain): pdf.
  • Gabapentinoids effects (Live Well with Pain): pdf.
  • Short animated video "Tame the Beast" (5 minutes): click here.
  • Introduction to chronic pain - Cartoon video (5 minutes): click here.
  • Talk "Why Things Hurt" by L. Moseley (15 minutes): click here.
  • Pain Education website PAIN-ED: click here.
  • Chronic low back pain video (15 minutes) by P. O'sullivan: click here.
  • Pain and the brain video (90 minutes) by L. Moseley: click here.
  • Thinking and Feeling advice sheet (CCI): pdf.
  • Accepting Uncertainty (CCI): pdf.
  • Mindfulness and stress (NHS): click here.
  • CRPS booklet (Arthritis UK): pdf.
  • CRPS clinical information (NHS GG&C): pdf.
  • CRPS information booklet (NHS GG&C): pdf.
  • CRPS desensitisation booklet (NHS GG&C): pdf.


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